Social Networks and Online Markets
Academic year 2024–2025
We are surrounded by networks. The Internet, one of the most advanced artifacts ever created by mankind, is the paradigmatic example of a "network of networks" with unprecedented technological, economical and social ramifications. Online social networks have become a major driving phenomenon on the web since the Internet has expanded as to include users and their social systems in its description and operation. Technological networks such as the cellular phone network or the energy grid support many aspects of our daily life. Moreover, there is a growing number of highly-popular user-centric applications in Internet that rely on social networks for mining and filtering information, for providing recommendations, as well as for ranking of documents and services.
In this course we will present the design principles and the main structural properties and theoretical models of online social networks and technological networks, algorithms for data mining in social networks, and the basic network economic issues, with an eye towards the current research issues in the area.
Remember to register your email; email Aris for details.
Classes start on Wednesday, February 26.
Topics that we will cover
- Properties of social networks
- Models for social networks
- Community detection
- Spectral techniques for community detection
- Cascading behavior in social networks and epidemics
- Influence maximization and viral marketing
- Influence and homophily
- Opinion dynamics
- Machine learning on graphs
- Introduction to Game Theory and Computational issues
- Price of Anarchy and Selfish Routing
- Stable matching, Markets, Competitive equilibria
- Sponsored Search Auctions, VCG, Revenue Maximization
- Voting and Fair division
- Equilibria and Incentives in blockchains and cryptocurrencies
Aris Anagnostopoulos, Sapienza University of Rome
Stefano Leonardi, Sapienza University of Rome
When and where:
Monday 15.00–17.00, Via Ariosto 25, Room A5
Wednesday 12.00–15.00, Via Ariosto 25, Room A7
Office hours
You can use the office hours for any question regarding the class material, general questions on networks, the meaning of life, pretty much anything. Send an email to the instructors for arrangement.
Textbook and references
The main textbook for the first part is the book Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World, by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg.
The main textbook for the second part is the book Twenty Lectures on Algorithmic Game Theory, by Tim Roughgarden.
In addition, we will cover material from various other sources, which we will post online as the course proceeds.
Evaluation format
You will be evaluated for the two parts of the course (social networks, online markets) independently from each other, and your grade will be the average of the two parts.
For the part of social networks, it will be discussed in class. Usually, there is (1) an individual homework (deadline in the first week of June), (2) a small project that can be done in groups of at most two people (deadline 4 working days before the date that you try the oral exam), and (3) a light oral exam.
For the part of online markets, Stefano Leonardi will provide more details.
Alternatively, there is also the option of a written exam for both parts.
Unless otherwise specified, the chapter numbers refer to the book of Easley and Kleinberg mentioned above.Date | Topic | Reading |
February 26 | Introduction to social networks and online markets, Properties of complex networks. | |
March 3 | Tie strength, homophily, triadic closure, affiliation networks |
March 5 | Modeling phenomena and social networks, the Erdős–Rényi random-graph model, the Watts–Strogatz small-world model |
March 10 | The preferential attachment model |
Collaboration policy (read
carefully!): You can discuss with other students of the course
about the projects. However, you must understand well your solutions and
the final writeup must be yours and written in isolation. In addition,
even though you may discuss about how you could implement an algorithm,
what type of libraries to use, and so on, the final code must be yours.
You may also consult the internet for information, as long as it does
not reveal the solution. If a question asks you to design and implement
an algorithm for a problem, it's fine if you find information about how
to resolve a problem with character encoding, for example, but it is not
fine if you search for the code or the algorithm for the problem you are
being asked. For the projects, you can talk with other students of the
course about questions on the programming language, libraries, some API
issue, and so on, but both the solutions and the programming must be
If we find out that you have violated the policy and you have
copied in any way you will automatically fail. If you have any
doubts about whether something is allowed or not, ask the
The same applies for generative AI tools, such
as ChatGPT. These can be useful tools in your work and there
are some homework questions in which we ask you explicitly to use them.
However, the use of such tools when it is not explicitly allowed
will be treated as plagiarism and is strictly prohibited.